domenica 7 settembre 2008


For those who do not speak Italian the summary of the story below is:

A 27 year old Nigerian lady resident in Italy was travelling in an EuroStar train without a valid ticket. The train controller a 53 years old Italian gave her the option of having sex with him for the ticket. Sex took place in one of the cabins and after the abuse the lady reported to her partner who was travelling in another wagon, The partner called 113 (the police) on his phone. At the bologna station the train controller was arrested by the police . he denied all the Nigerian lady accused her of ,however, Trainitalia Spa has suspended him for 60 day awaiting more investigations before other actions may be taken.

BOLOGNA - Un capotreno di 53 anni, di origine campana ma residente a Milano, è stato denunciato dalla Polfer per aver preteso una prestazione sessuale da una passeggera scoperta a viaggiare su un treno senza biglietto. L'uomo è stato sospeso in via cautelativa da Trenitalia. Il fatto è successo lo scorso 21 agosto. La donna, una ragazza nigeriana di 27 anni regolare in Italia, stava viaggiando sul convoglio 9417, un Eurostar Milano-Lecce, quando nella tarda mattinata - transitando nella zona di Reggio Emilia - è incappata nel controllo del biglietto. Il dipendente di Trenitalia, quando ha capito che la giovane non aveva il tagliando, ha spiegato alla donna che se voleva evitare le conseguenze del mancato pagamento del biglietto poteva appartarsi con lui per una prestazione sessuale. Prestazione effettivamente consumata poco dopo - sempre stando al racconto della donna - in un locale appartato in uno scomparto nella parte posteriore del convoglio.

Dopo aver subito l'abuso però la donna ha subito avvisato il compagno (che viaggiava sullo stesso treno, ma separato da lei) che a sua volta ha chiamato con il telefono cellulare il 113. A quel punto - il treno era già a ridosso della stazione ferroviaria di Bologna - sono intervenuti gli uomini della Polfer del capoluogo emiliano. I poliziotti hanno raccolto i racconti di entrambi.

Lui ha negato ogni addebito, lei invece ha fornito particolari precisi della vicenda. Alla fine la polizia ferroviaria ha denunciato l'uomo all'autorità giudiziaria per concussione sessuale. Sulla vicenda erano subito intervenute, il giorno dopo, le Ferrovie dello Stato, con una nota in cui spiegavano che il Gruppo, informato dell'episodio di "presunto tentativo di molestie sessuali" aveva "immediatamente avviato i necessari accertamenti per chiarire la dinamica dei fatti. Qualora fosse accertata la responsabilità del dipendente saranno adottati i provvedimenti disciplinari previsti". L'uomo è stato effettivamente sospeso in via cautelare per 60 giorni. In attesa che si completi l'accertamento dei fatti Trenitalia, alla luce degli elementi acquisiti, ha ritenuto opportuno applicare il provvedimento.

Ladies and gentlemen;

The story as told in the Italian dailies has a lot of omissions which anyone in the community or some of us working with the immigration and immigrants will easily notice. However, the investigations are for the police ,who are believed to be better prepared for the job.

I explain in brief just only two major dynamics in this sort of case (if we may call it a case).

1.First; some of the immigrant girls especially Nigerians, Rumanians, Ukraine and south American who are clandestine or not regular with immigration documents caught without a valid travelling ticket by the TRAIN ITALIA CONTROLLERS are often threatened and intimidated with handing them over to the police at the next stop if the they do not have sex in the train with the train operators and sometimes with their friends also. I have over heard at my desk or during colloquium some people who painfully accepted to 'play the game' instead of finding themselves in their countries just for an unpaid train ticket!!!!!

2.Second; there are many girls still from most of the countries I named above who deliberately travel without tickets because they have their TRAINITALIA men on board. These ladies are mostly prostitutes going or returning from 'work' (I dare not say it is not work or I might run the risk of loosing any election in the community even to a Russian), These train men give them the correct time they have to take the train and find them. I have also learnt of the train men organizing their friends to board the train for a 'discounted show' and in turn these girls also indicate as many people as they like that may not pay the train fare for that trip…............'flying (traveling) to her patronage'; I do not mean to blaspheme.

You can see it is a business or game some train operators and some hustlers (prostitutes) play.

My brother me I dey pay my ticket every time ooo.

Chukwubike Okey Charles

(Cultural Mediator)

2 commenti:

NOL ha detto...

Greetings to all,
Any time stories of these bad things happening to some Nigerians abroad featured, it pains every meaningful or rational Nigerian everywhere. To me, it is always a constant reminder of the failures of the people who claim to be ruling Nigeria in recent history. The second thing I personally attribute some of these maladies to, is the moral decay of the country. A situation where, normal ways through which human beings earn their living in all the progressing countries--have been thrown over-board. If one talks or writes about how he/she is following up life in normal sequences, people will use all these their gabages to try to eclipse the write-ups or talks; instead, they will be glorifying and upholding criminality and sense of animalism. Our hearts go for all the Nigerians who genuinely suffer abuses they did nothing to attract to themselves.

On the second observation, I must ask, in the case of the woman who gave sex to the train operator in Italy, should that be a surprise? Some times, let us be objective! Even in Nigerian in the old days: in the villages, if someone keeps trashing rules of communities and instituting his/her own rules, that person should expect some of all these vile sounding actions that follow those violations. When one knowingly does things that exposes that person to some dangers--when the danger occurs--I wonder why it should be surprising to any rational person or people. If someone decides to start wangling his/her ways to the outside of Nigeria: that person must have already made the calculation that there will be prizes to pay for them.

What happened to the Nigerian girl who rode on the train in Italy is comparable to the Americans who accepted to help 419ers carry-over and bank dubious monies here in America-- and in the process, the Americans got ripped-off; do such Americans deserve sympathy of good people? From me, the answer is hell no!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! As long as they (the Americans) knew that what they were embarking on was or were criminal enterprises, they should realize that when one starts eating with the devil--he/she must either use a long spoon or be ready to be dealt with by the devil in any form the devil chooses at any time.

The Italian train operator is being charged in order to maintain Italian decent laws and Italian image--how does the woman or Nigerian girl who entered a train without paying and making sure that she played by the rules of entering the train, now try to go to the law--when she herself is a criminal? The train is perhaps being ran with tax-payer's money: riders supposed to pay for their ride, she decides to use the train probably to go and do her own job (whatever that may be), she ought to pay the fare for the ride--not to even pay the train operator with anything. The train operator is being paid salary. Italy is not Nigeria where most people take themselves to be part of government treasury (stealing government monies and keeping illegally) --the train operator should not be corrupted by the Nigerian girl. Both of them need to be punished by the Italian government-- they are criminals. Until we start telling them as they are--things will remain as they are. Stay in Nigerian if you do not have the means to function lawfully in another country. If you decide to risk your chances--be prepared to pay the prizes adventurism attracts--the good and the bad ones.


Greetings to all,
It is unfortunate reading the article or rather the news of "Sex in Trainitalia" as a Nigerian and as a person opposed to any institutional injustice or exploitation.

However before making categorical statements, there are still need to clarify some questions:
Did the Nigerian girl in question, consent to having sex with the Italian train operator at any given point in time?
Is job specification of Italian train operator include using sex as a punishment for non holders of train ticket?
Did he have sex with all the non holders of ticket in that train that are women?
Is the Nigerian girl the only girl ever caught in Italian train without ticket?
What is the point of Italian law in connetion to those not having valid ticket for travel?
I doubt that the girl gave her consent, if not we could have not heard of the incidence and Italian Police could not have arrested the train operator and the subsequent suspension from his job is a sign that he has been suspected of commiting criminal offence.

Having raised these mind disturbing questions, may I disagree totally with those who try to connect any abuse, rape or exploitation of Nigerians to bad Nigerian government. May I state categorically that the news as depicted is a Clear Rape of a Nigerian Girl. It will be shameful for Italian Government to condone rape by not bring the man to Justice. Italy is a memeber of EU and therefor a signatory to EU convention on Human RIghts. The Girl was raped because the man thinks he can rape a black and a Nigerian with little or no consequence . He will not try it with Italian Lady even if she is a harlot, or american or any other citizen of weestern country. Let us not forget that Italian mafians are those responsible for the trafiicking of Nigerian Ladies. When I was working some years ago during holidays in Italy, an Italian man once asked me how much he can buy a Nigerian lady from Nigeria becuase he just bought one from Romania for prostitution? That is how low some Italians think of Nigerians.

It is true the Nigerian girl committed offence by not holding a valid ticket. She deserves maximum punishment from Italian point of law for those not holding ticket but NOT RAPE. Rape of any person is a serious Crime. Being a prostitute or "working Girl" is not an invitation for rape. I would be glad to see Nigerian reacting against such treatment that comes in different forms. If it is proven the man should be sent to prison for sex offences and made to sign sex offenders register if such thing exists in Italy.

Rape is Rape. Let us call a spade a spade. I am back my work for the day
Anterus Chikaobi Ezeh



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